How Online LIVE Interactive Classes Are Effective For LKG Kids


The concept of online classes has become a new standard as you can adapt to your timing and convenience. Kids also learn anytime, anywhere. Thus, the online class is more important than ever, and kids today are tech-smart.

What is an Online Class?

The concept of online classes combine video recording and live lectures, where you read and test the course. The virtual portal allows students to collect reading material, interact with teachers and classmates, view grades, and monitor progress. 

Like traditional courses, online courses can have different workloads depending on how challenging it is. Online courses also allow kids to take multiple activities at once, maximizing their productivity. This way, users can plan their time to put their work, school, and family under one roof.

Benefits of Online Classes for Kids

Immediacy, breadth of coverage, and convenience-these are some of the most important benefits of online learning opportunities. 

  1.  Immediateness – Learn Now! 

With just 4-5 mouse clicks, your child can learn online. There are various options for online classes for children, and the experience is different. Parents need not wait for a new academic session to enroll their children in a preschool program in a virtual space. Online preschools like take admissions in the middle of the academic session. 

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  1. Diversity in approach 

Online preschools are more global in their approach. They keep pace with the times and promptly cover the next big trend, which can get ignored in traditional schooling due to rigid schedules and curriculum. In online classes, the subjects are more or less unlimited. If your child has something to learn, you can probably now find some options for it online. 

  1. Suitable for different learning styles 

Every student can learn and can learn differently. Some are successful in the classroom, while others are careful and struggle to do well alone or in small groups. Some are books, some are videos, and some need a little bit of everything! 

Online classes support all of these different learning styles. Additional benefits may appear in all of this. You may not yet have found the perfect learning environment for your child, and online learning enables experiments that can change your life. 

  1. Comfort 

Home comfort only makes things better, right! As a general rule, we can provide comfortable learning scenarios wherever the proper internet connectivity is available. 

  1. Self-paced learning 

Most online learning options allow kids to invest as much time as they like. Again, it all depends on the situation. Most parents choose a “split” class where their children get sufficient breaks day long. At this point, more attractive online learning options, such as live teaching, make more sense.

What to Look for in Online Classes for Kids?

  1. Teachers are positive and compassionate. 

Early childhood learning depends on relationships of trust. Studies have shown that children learn and grow better when teachers are positive and considerate. Positive teachers are happy and cheerful, and they are optimistic and kind towards their children. 

Teachers copy and imitate children’s words, comment on what they say, and try to say. They answer children’s questions and do not dismiss or ignore their concerns. Encourage active teachers. They are not involved in verbally abusive attitudes towards the students during the class. 

  1. Education is interactive and engaging. 

Teachers need to actively and frequently interact with their students, ask thought-provoking questions, and encourage them to volunteer, discuss and speak. They also admire their student’s positive behaviour and encourage them to learn. Teachers need to participate, not just teach. 

You can sing songs, tell stories, read books, and explain events. They teach using games and crafts to help students actively contribute to the class. In addition to learning the alphabet, counting, shapes, etc., teachers also should teach life skills and values which are most important.

  1. Use aggressive discipline to guide your child’s behaviour patiently.

Ask the online preschool for a clear explanation of the disciplinary policy. Teachers need to practice positive discipline, and they should be capable of maintaining discipline by patiently explaining and teaching, not by shouting or punishment. 

  1. Lots of free play time and social learning with the help of teachers. 

Free play as a part of online preschool activities has proven to be one of the best learning methods for pre-schoolers. Games and physical activity stimulate brain growth and promote early development, and free play promotes prosocial behaviour and allows children to develop social skills. 


It is not uncommon for parents to spend a lot of time researching the school district. Parents value a secure school system that provides their children with optimal growth and learning opportunities. Therefore, they are looking for a high test score and a positive student-teacher-parent relationship. 

Finding quality online classes for kids are required as building a solid foundation for a holistic education begins as soon as the child gets into the program. The children are encouraged to explore many elements that foster creativity, build social skills and build future roots focusing on bright education.